So, you’ve started to get your first animation clients. Now you’ve got going, how do you find higher-paying clients?
Are you a studio founder or a freelance animator who've recently found their first few animation clients? Congratulations! Finding clients is the first hurdle to success for an animator or animation studio. Now that you know you can do it, how do you go about securing higher paying animation clients?
1. Ensure your animation clients return
Before searching for new leads, don’t overlook clients you’ve already worked for. A critical step for your animation studio is establishing a client base. Generally, there’s no better way to do that than ensure your clients return. Even animation clients who request lower-paying animation are valuable to your studio. It can be easy to feel disappointed if a client asks for a smaller service. However, provide good services and low-paying clients may return to pay more. Keeping in touch with your clients is a great way to encourage them to return.

2. Upsell existing animation clients
3. Reward loyalty
One of the reasons it’s a good idea to keep in touch with past clients is because they may refer you to future animation clients. One way to encourage this is to offer clients an affiliate link. This way, they’ll receive a discount if they successfully refer your animation services to an associate. As your animation studio or freelance experience develops, get creative with the benefits you offer. For example, you could offer a discount if an animation client praises your services on their website, posts you on social media, or provides you with a positive testimony.

4. Expand your reach with email marketing
5. Use testimony from previous animation clients
Alongside projects you’ve produced for animation clients, include a written testimony. This only has to be a short quote, so there’s no need to ask your clients to provide paragraphs on paragraphs. Potential animation clients aren't just interested in the final result of your services. Testimonies provide assurance of your ability to work well throughout a production process. Make it clear that your integrity shines through the entire production, not only the final result. Testimonies are also a great alternative for clients who are reluctant to have their animation shown on your website.

Summary: Securing higher-paying animation clients
Marketing strategies can feel like a waste of time, but they’re an essential investment for your studio. To invest in the future of your freelance business or studio, take the time to ensure your services are client-focused. Strive to demonstrate how your services are easy to access and worth your client’s time, and you’ll be investing in future success.
Interested in an animation career or starting a studio?
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