How to grow your studio on instagram image

How to grow your studio on Instagram

Struggling to secure clients and build awareness of your newly-fledged animation studio? Instagram can help.After you’ve founded the animation studio …

Programs to create the perfect YouTube thumbnail

Just finished editing a fantastic video and no idea how to make a YouTube thumbnail to match? We’ve got you …

Animation career path

Animation Career: Studio or Freelance or Studio Founder

For an animator, the decision is never an easy one…Deciding which career path to take in the animation industry is …

How do you start an animation studio

How do you start a small animation studio?

It’s a popular question ‘how do you start a small animation studio?’Most every animator at some point in their career …

How much does an animation studio cost to run

How much does a small animation studio cost to run?

It takes a bit of time to work ‘how much a small animation studio costs to run?’Thanks for stopping by …