5 signs you should start an animation studio

5 Signs You Should Start an Animation Studio

Stressed, frustrated, and feeling like you’re not working to your full potential? It might be time to start an animation studio of your own…

The animation industry is growing every year and can often leave animators feeling exhausted. If you’re an animator who’s experiencing any of the following, it might be time to change your professional approach and start an animation studio of your own. Here are 5 signs you might be ready to start your own animation studio soon.

1. You're burnt out.

Having more work opportunities than there are hours in the day is not only demoralising but will cause you to lose potentially profitable clients who will look to other animators for future projects. Studio teams can deliver more projects to the same or to a better standard than you can provide as a solo animator, establishing client connections and ensuring a steady (and manageable!) flow of work.

Burnout image, Start an animation studio

2. You’re turning down work because you’re too busy.

Too many opportunities, not enough time?

Having more work opportunities than there are hours in the day is not only demoralising but will cause you to lose potentially profitable clients who will look to other animators for future projects. Studio teams can deliver more projects to the same or to a better standard than you can provide as a solo animator, establishing client connections and ensuring a steady (and manageable!) flow of work.

too much to do image
Too much to do image, Start an animation studio

Too many opportunities, not enough time?

Having more work opportunities than there are hours in the day is not only demoralising but will cause you to lose potentially profitable clients who will look to other animators for future projects. Studio teams can deliver more projects to the same or to a better standard than you can provide as a solo animator, establishing client connections and ensuring a steady (and manageable!) flow of work.

3. You want to take a break, but don’t have time.

Does the idea of a missing work fill you with dread?

If you are terrified of leaving your desk in case you lose a new opportunity or a miss a deadline, it might be time to consider starting a studio of your own. Creating a team of animators will ensure no work opportunities slip through the net and the studio has time to deliver the projects you decide to take on, leaving you to enjoy your holiday guilt-free.

no time image Start an animation studio

4. You want to work on something bigger.

This could be a sign you're ready to start an animation studio

Missing out on lucrative opportunities?

Starting a studio will allow you to take on projects you’ve been unable to manage as a solo or freelance animator, helping you and your team to maximise your skillset and build larger-scale project experience. Working to a bigger scale will also allow you to increase your income and use your skills and experience to their highest potential.


Missing out on lucrative opportunities?

Starting a studio will allow you to take on projects you’ve been unable to manage as a solo or freelance animator, helping you and your team to maximise your skillset and build larger-scale project experience. Working to a bigger scale will also allow you to increase your income and use your skills and experience to their highest potential.

5. You feel as though you've reached your career peak.

Reached the top of the ladder?

Working in a studio often comes with a set of industry-standard rates which can leave you with no room to grow. If you feel that your experience and skills as an animator are no longer being represented in your pay-check, then founding your own studio can offer you a way to set your own goals and boundaries and realise your professional worth.

Start A Studio Mountaineer

Where does this leave me?

Has this article inspired you to start an animation studio of your own? We might be able to help...

If this sounds like you, and you’re now thinking of starting a studio of your own, check out our award-winning animation studio start-up course here.

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